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Digital transformation of Banking sector and Finance

Transformation numérique banque finance NXO - Concept image

These last 20 years, Banking sector and finance have undergone significant change linked to the digital revolution. Face of these changes, « traditional » banks had to completely rethink their operation. NXO digital solutions allow them to engage from today a successful digital transformation.

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Banks : what are the challenges of digital transition?

In the last two decades, digital transformation severely affected banking and financial sectors. Its advent led to the emergence of online and mobile banks on the market. More recently, the creation of many « Fintech » (contraction of finance and technology words) also profoundly redefined banking and financial model.

Competitors of traditional banks, these companies offer online services that specifically meet new customer requirements. To compete, banks now had to rely on digital and make a complete digital transition.

Banking sector at the time of digitalization

Digital transformation of Banking sector and Finance - NXO

The digital era revolutionized customers usages and the market as a whole :

In parallel, banking sector must address several other issues :

Digital transformation of Banking sector and Finance - NXO

Three biggest challenges for banks in the digital era

Digital Bank : NXO’s offering for banking sector and finance

For more than 20 years, NXO is actively committed in companies’ digital transformation. This expertise allows us to propose to banks, insurances and complementary insurances, integration and mangement solutions truly adapted to their needs.

Digital transformation of Banking sector and Finance - concept picture - NXO

Our digital solutions to improve user experience

User experience is actually at the heart of banking sector issues. A good user experience is essential to preserve a customer base, favor the attractiveness of a brand and remain competitive with new market players. Several solutions are put in place by our digital experts to improve customer experience :

  • Create an agency
  • Set up connected advisers
  • Management of a multi-channel customer path
  • Measurement of service quality and customer satisfaction
  • Automated analysis of customers’ interactions

Our digital solutions to develop collaboration

Collaboration within company is an essential key to reduce costs and improve team’s productivity. NXO solutions were thought to optimize collaborative exchanges within bank agencies :

  • Integrating collaboration
  • Creation of connected meeting rooms and collaborative spaces
  • Digital workplace solution
  • Installation of nomadic workstations

Our solutions to optimize digital infrastructures’ security

Security and data confidentiality are actually imposed by legislation. Banks must be able to ensure optimal digital data protection to users. NXO services about banking security :

  • Appellants’ biometric authentification
  • Registration according to the European GDPR
  • Promote compliance of data security tools

NXO teams’ offer you an optimal support in all stages of your bank’s digital transformation – design, build, implement, run, maintenance.