NXO provides performant digital solutions to French Companies wishing to equip their company internationally and have a tracking of their operations.

NXO helps their customers for an international development.
Deployment of turnkey projects, multi-vendors maintenance contracts and managed services.
For large companies and International French mid-caps companies, NXO offers digital services. Thanks to our partner network around the world, our solutions provide the same performance in 110 countries.
Are you interested ? Feel free to contact us !
Digital transformation : what stakes for international companies ?
Companies that implement internationally are obliged to equip their subsidiaries with performant digital services in order to be well positioned on these new markets. It’s not easy to operate digital transformation when operational teams are in France.
Indeed, French companies wanting to be international are facing a number of technical and operational challenges. The main goal is to find partners helping to deploying a homogeneous Telecom/digital service either completing End-Customer owned IT local and central ressources or substituting for them.
Several courses could be considered by our customers :
- Find a local partner with a high level of expertise in each country to provide a telecom service equal as the one delivered in headquarters or other subsidiaries
- Confide its project to a partner close to its central IT teams located in French Head Office that has :
- A network of qualified subcontractors familiar with international outsourcing to ensure a homogeneous level of service for all companies
- An organization specialized to manage operational and technical risks including bodies of governance, coordination, real-time control and monitoring
- A proven track record
- An extensive Telecom business coverage associated with a depth in technical expertise
- Find a multinational partner with permanent establishment but will not offer a high level technical expertise
NXO is a leading service company, integrating and managing digital flow. Since 2007, NXO provides highly reliable services worldwide. Our service offering specifically addresses company needs’ with international projects designed for procurement and operations. Our end-customers benefit from an optimal organization to manage risks as bodies governance, coordination, real-time control and monitoring.

NXO digital solutions’ for your international companies
For many years, NXO developed a capillarity over partnerships to deliver project and operate contracts in all countries of the world.
Since 2015, NXO secured its international development enhancing its partner networks (smart hands, certified services partners, distributors) in order to help customers in more than 110 countries.

So, the majority of build and run solutions proposed in France are available internationally.
International NXO global offering
Expertise allow us to meet all company requirements and specifically mid-caps companies that are actually regular customers.
For an international development, we offer to mid-caps companies a global support adapted to their activity in :
- Communication and collaboration : centralized IP telephony solutions, tailor-made communication and collaboration services, multi-channel contact centers
- Digital infrastructures : build, implement, run and fixed enterprise networks’ and LAN & WiFi mobile management
- Digital security : secured internet access, optimal protection and Data Center or Cloud storage
NXO international service benefits’
Our international service offering has many advantages :

Service Desk and tele operation
- Easier management : single entry implementation. Regardless the request no need to contact onsite partner. Simply call your NXO project manager or your service account manager for building. NXO International Service Desk creates service requests for maintenance and run phases’
- Real-time monitoring and control : our International Service Desk ensures a reactivity, traceability, and an optimum care for all onsite or online requests
- Action traceabilities’ : effective monitoring concerning risks, costs and deadline complying with commitments led by Project Managers and Service Account Managers
- Inspection and rigorous selection for best subcontractors : NXO commitments for customers are negotiated through appropriate or mirror commitments with subcontractors
- Follow the sun organization : our partner networks able to interventions according to the local time regardless neither time-zones nor countries
Our experts in digital solution can advise you and help you to develop your activity internationally. Feel free to contact us for further information.